About Us

Herbin’s Fashion was established in November 2020 during COVID -19. The goal was to create a line of clothing to promote the culture of our home Country’s (Ghana) and see the beauty of it. Herbin’s Fashion is a clothing brand that makes all varieties of clothing including shirts, pants, hoodies, shorts, kaftans, dresses and more. We create clothing with a style of African fabrics. Best of all, we appreciate all types of heritages around the world and love to create amazing products for our customers to celebrates and enjoy their country’s heritage and culture. The concept of incorporating African culture into our brand is to make our customers feel connected back to their roots. We are an international business that ships worldwide. 



Vision: The vision of Herbin’s Fashion is to bring African beautiful culture to Africans and other cultures in the diaspora. 

Mission: Many Africans descendants have long forgotten the heritage and culture of their homeland. In this sense, they have also lost their identity. Herbin’s Fashion contributes to bringing culture and identity to Africans through our beautiful designs made with African fabrics.


Email: herbinsfashion@gmail.com

Customer Service: 240-797-5840